Get developed with perfect service by the EPIC ZIP! The fastest way to develop is to Train, Train, Train (REPS, REPS, REPS). If 10,000 hours is meant to make us a perfectionist at traits, let the EPIC ZIP allow you to get the service training you need to develop faster than others. You can now Own this High-end durable EPIC ZIP machine and receive challenging service from various angles by the adjustable speed dials to see shots at you, passes to your feet to work on your touch, and even Crosses with the ability to adjust the aim! The adjustable control panel features the ability to speed up one wheel faster than the other to see so many options of service and speeds. (In-swingers, out-swingers, knuckleball, low shots, mid-range shots, high top corner shots). With the ability to offer 0-100mph and service up to 65 yards, the “EPIC ZIP” is for ALL AGES! From the grassroots level starting out at a slower pace to our professional goalkeepers that need and want the challenge of what the EPIC ZIP offers and what they experience at the Professional level.
Why is it called the EPIC ZIP? Just like in a game, we want to ZIP the ball to our teammates when passing, Zip the ball into our hands at training drills, we want pace on the ball to develop and advance in our careers to the highest levels possible. Speed Up your development with the EPIC ZIP!